I will help you connect healthy body, mind and soul so you can live a balanced life.
AboutA more centered life
Develop your higher mental faculties and manifest the best that life has to offer.

Find the method that best suits your needs
Improve your quality of life with integropratic methods. Enjoy all the benefits we can offer you and have a more centered life.
Ethers Therapy
The Ethers Consciousness program is designed to do just that: Bring awareness of the etheric field into your life and how to develop and recognize it really effectively. It is the missing link for internal development.
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The Integropractic method of bodywork includes a wide variety of techniques designed to bring about the most effective results that led to the widest ranging benefits to the CNS and all functions of the physiology. Novel and proven corrective exercises along with critical breathing corrections are often prescribed as homework for the optimal lasting gains.
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Meditation practice is often recommended for around 20 minutes twice daily, sitting comfortably, eyes closed, and preferably in silence. Integropractic meditation duration is custom for each person. Only through constant practice does the mind become familiar with the experience of "calming down", going into the subtler levels of mental activity, and experiencing the silent source of thought – the state of Pure Consciousness.
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Nice to meet you!
Hi, I'm Tim. I want to help you have a fuller life. I work with clients who want to enjoy the best life has to offer but, because of their limiting beliefs, cannot. Learn a little more about me and the techniques I work with.
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